Mc Andrew M., et l'équipe du GRIES, dont Armand F., Ledent J., Potvin M., Rahm J. et Vatz Laaroussi M. (2015). La réussite éducative des élèves issus de l’immigration. Dix ans de recherche et d’intervention au Québec, Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Ash, D., Rahm, J., & Melber, L. (Eds.) (2012). Putting theory into practice : Tools for research in informal settings. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Rahm, J. (2010). Science in the Making at the Margin: A Multisited Ethnography of Learning and Becoming in an Afterschool Program, a Garden, and a Math and Science Upward Bound Program. Rotterdam , Sense publishers, 323 p.
Chapters in Books (a selection)
Rahm, J. (2016). Video making projects in STEM afterschool clubs : A dialogue among identities, ways of knowing and doing in and with science. In L. Avraamidou & M. Roth (Eds.). Intersections Between Formal and Informal Science (pp. 69-81). New York : Routledge.
Rahm, J. & Lachaîne, A. (2016). L’apprentissage et le développement de soi à travers des espaces éducatifs divers : Un regard sur l’enjeu des programmes parascolaires et communautaires en contexte pluriethnique. Dans M. Potvin, M.-O. Magnan et J. Larochelle-Audet (Dir.), La diversité ethnoculturelle, religieuse et linguistique en éducation au Québec. Théorie et pratique. Montréal, QC : Fides.
Rahm, J. (2015). CRYSTAL Atlantique : Stories about creating possibilities, releasing the imagination, and learning to learn. In K. S. Sullenger & R. Steven Turner (Eds.), New Ground : Pushing the boundaries of studying informal learning in science, mathematics, and technology. Rotterdam, Netherlands : Sense Publishers.
Rahm J. (2014). Space-time Configurations of Youth-voice Driven Science Practices: Insights into Local and Global Mobilities, dans J. Vadeboncoeur (dir.) Designing Educational Programs with and for Youth: Alternative and Flexible Contexts for Learning, New York: Teacher College Press.
Rahm J. (2013). Afterschool and community programs’ role in supporting immigrant youth: Stories of opportunities for youths’ identity work and learning for life, dans N. Trépanier (dir.) Plaidoyer pour une école communautaire/Making the case for community schools, Montréal: Éditions Nouvelles.
Rahm, J., Gorry, A., Lachaîne, A., & Kanouté, F. (2013). La littératie scientifique formelle et informelle – une dichotomie à dépasser. Dans L. Trudel, L. Dionne, & G. Reis (Eds.), Partenariats entre milieux éducatifs pour l’essor de l’éducation scientifique: recherches et pratiques novatrices. Québec: Presses de l’Université de Laval.
Rahm, J. & Gonsalves, A. (2012). “To understand the news you need science!” Stories of girls’ learning trajectories and positioning work within and beyond an afterschool science program. Dans M. Varelas (Ed.), Identity construction and science education research: Learning, teaching, and being in multiple contexts (pp. 61-78). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publisher.
Rahm, J. (2012). Activity theory as a lens to examine project-based museum partnerships in robotics. Dans E. Davidsson & A. Jakobsson (Eds.), Understanding interactions at science centers and museums: A sociocultural perspective (p. 147-171). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Rahm, J. (2012). Diverse urban youths’ learning of science outside school in university outreach and community science programs. Dans B. Fraser, K. Tobin, & C. McRobbie (Eds.), Second international handbook of science education, Vol 1 (pp. 47-58). New York, NY: Springer.
Special Journal Issue
Rahm, J. & Brandt, C. B. (2016). Reimagining Science Education in Neoliberal Global Contexts: Sociocultural Accounts of Science Learning in Underserved Communities. Mind Culture and Activity 07/2016; 23(3). DOI:10.1080/10749039.2016.1201514
Malo, A., & Rahm, J. (2014). Youth voice in and outside of school: Stories of new possibilities. La voix des jeunes à l’école est au-delà: envisager de nouvelles possibilities. Canadian Journal of Education, 37(1). Special Bilingual Issue, Available online,
Articles in Scientific Journals (a selection)
Rahm, J. (2016). Project-based museum-school partnerships in support of meaningful student interest- and equity driven learning across settings. Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues, 43(1), 184-198.
Rahm, J., Malo, A., & Lepage, M. (2016). Youth-voice driven after-school science clubs: A tool to develop new alliances in ethnically diverse communities in support of transformative learning for preservice teachers and youth. Alterstice, Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle, 6(1), 39-56.
Rahm, J. & Moore, J. (2015). A case study of long-term engagement and identity-in-practice: Insights into the STEM pathways of four underrepresented youths. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, early view on-line, 23 September.
Rahm, J., Boulanger, E., Hébert, I., Journet, G., & Lachaîne, A. (2015). L’apprentissage expansif et construction identitaire des jeunes au travers la production d’un documentaire scientifique: Une étude de cas d’une équipe et projet qui amène à l’agentivité transformatrice. Revue Internationale du CRIRES : Innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky.
Rahm J., Martel-Reny M.-P. et Simard V. (2015). "J’aime jardiner et rapporter quelque chose à la maison." Le jardin botanique comme outil de développement des jeunes, Éducation et francophonie, XLIII(1): 80-96.
Rahm J. (2014). Stories of learning, identity, navigations and boundary crossings in STEM in non-dominant communities: New imaginaries for research and action, Cultural Studies of Science Education, 1-16.
Malo A. et Rahm J. (2014). Introduction. Youth voice In and Outside of School: Stories of New Possibilities/La voix des jeunes à l'école et au-délà: envisager des nouvelles possibilités [Numéro thematique], Canadian Journal of Education, 37(1): 1-23.
Rahm J. (2014)."I always enjoyed touching the soil and growing things!" A spatial analysis of youth gardening in a botanical garden, Brazilian Journal of Education, 14(2).
Rahm J. (2014). Reframing Research on Informal Teaching and Learning in Science: Comments and Commentary at the Heart of a New Vision for the Field, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(3): 395-406.
Rahm J., Lachaîne A. et Mathura, A. (2014). Youth Voice and Positive Identity Building Practices: The Case of ScienceGirls, [Numéro thematique], Canadian Journal of Education, 37(1), 209-232.
Rahm J. (2013). "We Could Think of Things That Could Be Science": Girls' Re-Figuring of Science in an Out-of-School-Time Club, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(9): 1068-1097.
Rahm J. (2012). Collaborative Imaginaries and Multi-sited Ethnography: Space-time Dimensions of Engagement with and Positioning in Science in the Context of a Scientific Newsletter Activity in a Girls-only Afterschool Program, Ethnography and Education, 7(2), 247-264 .
Rahm J., Lachaîne A., Martel-Reny M.-P. et Kanouté F. (2012). Le rôle des organismes communautaires dans la réussite scolaire et le développement identitaire des jeunes issus de l'immigration, Diversité urbaine, 12(1): 87-104.
Madden S., Jones L. et Rahm J. (2011). The Role of Multiple Representations in the Understanding of Ideal Gas Problems, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 12, 283-293.