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Chapters in Books (a selection)


  • Rahm, J. (2016). Video making projects in STEM afterschool clubs : A dialogue among identities, ways of knowing and doing in and with science. In L. Avraamidou & M. Roth (Eds.). Intersections Between Formal and Informal Science (pp. 69-81). New York : Routledge.


  • Rahm, J. & Lachaîne, A. (2016). L’apprentissage et le développement de soi à travers des espaces éducatifs divers : Un regard sur l’enjeu des programmes parascolaires et communautaires en contexte pluriethnique. Dans M. Potvin, M.-O. Magnan et J. Larochelle-Audet (Dir.), La diversité ethnoculturelle, religieuse et linguistique en éducation au Québec.  Théorie et pratique. Montréal, QC : Fides.


  • Rahm, J. (2015). CRYSTAL Atlantique : Stories about creating possibilities, releasing the imagination, and learning to learn. In K. S. Sullenger & R. Steven Turner (Eds.), New Ground : Pushing the boundaries of studying informal learning in science, mathematics, and technology. Rotterdam, Netherlands : Sense Publishers.







  • Rahm, J. (2012). Diverse urban youths’ learning of science outside school in university outreach and community science programs. Dans B. Fraser, K. Tobin, & C. McRobbie (Eds.), Second international handbook of science education, Vol 1 (pp. 47-58). New York, NY: Springer.


Special Journal Issue

  • Rahm, J. & Brandt, C. B. (2016). Reimagining Science Education in Neoliberal Global Contexts: Sociocultural Accounts of Science Learning in Underserved Communities. Mind Culture and Activity 07/2016; 23(3). DOI:10.1080/10749039.2016.1201514


  • Malo, A., & Rahm, J. (2014). Youth voice in and outside of school: Stories of new possibilities. La voix des jeunes à l’école est au-delà: envisager de nouvelles possibilities. Canadian Journal of Education, 37(1). Special Bilingual Issue, Available online,


Articles in Scientific Journals (a selection)


  • Rahm, J. (2016). Project-based museum-school partnerships in support of meaningful student interest- and equity driven learning across settings. Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues, 43(1), 184-198.


  • Rahm, J., Malo, A., & Lepage, M. (2016). Youth-voice driven after-school science clubs: A tool to develop new alliances in ethnically diverse communities in support of transformative learning for preservice teachers and youth. Alterstice, Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle, 6(1), 39-56.














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