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Student supervision

  - A Selection-

M.Ed. Supervision


  • Benoit Daviault (to be finalized summer 2016). A youth participatory project in high school.


  • Sanon, K.-E. (2011). An examination of the development of learning competencies in high school.


  • Whitty, K. (2006). Strategies to support student motivation for science learning at the College Level.

Post-Doctoral Research Supervision


  • Gonsalves, A. (2010-2012). Project title: Exploring the potential for out-of-school science programming to impact identity trajectories of youth from non-dominant communities.  (Ph.D. 2010, McGill University; Post-doctoral Fellow, Fonds de recherches du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).

Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision


  • Antoine Michel Faye (in progress). Les filles et les sciences au Québec et Dakar, une recherche comparative. Beginning: January 2013, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada; Co-direction;  Directed by Marylin Steinbach, Université de Sherbrooke. 


  • Audrey Lachaîne (in progress). Récits numériques pour comprendre le processus de l’identité et les pratiques de jeunes réfugiés dans le cadre d’une participation à un programme communautaire. Beginning: September 2011; Finished Data collection, completion anticipated for spring 2016. Doctoral Dissertation Stipend from FQRSC 2013-2015.


  • ​Fyta, K. (2007). The uncertainty of parenting a leukemic child: Mothers’ and fathers’ perceived sense of competence.

M.A. Thesis Supervision


  • Veronique Pagliericci. Educational Psychology, beginning January 2016.


  • Stéphanie Dessureault (2015). Museum exhibits developed for pre-school children and learning through play. MA in Museum Studies, Université de Montréal.


  • Shodjaee-Zrudlo, I. (2014). Insights from youth workers regarding young people’s engagement in out-of-school-time youth development programs.


  • Gorry, A. (2011). Informal science educators’ understanding of their role as mediators between science and citizens.


  • Lachaîne, A. (2011). Refuge youths’ identity work in a community program. Recipient of graduate student fellowship from the Center of Ethnic Studies at the Université de Montréal.


  • Lapointe, D. (2008). The student’s perspective about a partnership project among schools, scientists and museums.

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